
Prenatal antibiotics reduce breast milk IgA and induce dysbiosis in mouse offspring, increasing neonatal susceptibility to bacterial sepsis

Antibiotics (Abx) are administered to 20%–30% of pregnant women, but their effects on neonatal immune development are poorly understood. We show that newborn mice born to Abx-treated dams are more susceptible to late-onset sepsis. This susceptibility is linked to lower maternal breast milk immunoglobulin A (IgA), neonatal fecal IgA, and IgA coating of intestinal bacteria,…

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Protection from environmental enteric dysfunction and growth improvement in malnourished newborns by amplification of secretory IgA

Environmental enteric dysfunction (EED) is a condition associated with malnutrition that can progress to malabsorption and villous atrophy. Severe EED results in linear growth stunting, slowed neurocognitive development, and unresponsiveness to oral vaccines. Prenatal exposure to malnutrition and breast feeding by malnourished mothers replicates EED. Pups are characterized by deprivation of secretory IgA (SIgA) and…

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Apyrase-mediated amplification of secretory IgA promotes intestinal homeostasis

Cell Reports, July 19 2022 Secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) interaction with commensal bacteria conditions microbiota composition and function. However, mechanisms regulating reciprocal control of microbiota and SIgA are not defined. Bacteria-derived adenosine triphosphate (ATP) limits T follicular helper (Tfh) cells in the Peyer’s patches (PPs) via P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) and thereby SIgA generation. Here we…

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MV BioTherapeutics to present at 5th Microbiome Movement – Drug Development Europe

We are happy to announce that Fabio Grassi (MV BioTherapeutics founder) has been invited to contribute to the 5th Microbiome Movement – Drug Development Summit Europe 2021 being held virtually during January 27th-29th, 2021. The presentation has been included in the morning stream titled “Introducing the Era of Engineered Microbes” the 29th at 11.35. Leveraging…

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Sachs Forum 2020

20th Annual Biotech in Europe Forum for global partnering & investments

Bellinzona, August 31, 2020 – MV BioTherapeutics is participating at this important annual event and virtually meet potential investors and licensing partners. Please contact us for a personal meeting within the partnering system or outside it. About MV BioTherapeuticsMV BioTherapeutics is a Swiss microbiome biotherapeutics company founded in 2018 as a spin-off from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine…

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Succesfull Bio Digital 2020

MV BioTherapeutics participated for the first time to the international event Bio Digital 2020 presenting the company, the pipeline to over 50 companies. “We weren’t sure about the potential success when we applied to the Swiss Pavillon with the sponsoring of Innosuisse” confirms Dr. Fabio Grassi, founder and chairman. “The support we got from Switzerland…

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Bio International Convention Digital June 8-12, 2020

Bellinzona, May 26, 2020 – Thanks to the support of Innosuisse, MV BioTherapeutics is participation at this important annual event within the Swiss Pavillon hosted and supported electronically by the Switzerland Global Enteprise ( .  We look forward meeting potential investors and licensing partners.  Please contact us for a personal meeting within the partnering system or outside it. About MV BioTherapeuticsMV BioTherapeutics is a Swiss microbiome biotherapeutics company founded…

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MV BioTherapeutics ApyraVax ApyraMed

New company name and website

Bellinzona, May 15, 2020 – We are proud to announce the launch of the company website that provides most relevant information on the technology and pipeline of MV BioTherapeutics. We have changed the original name of the company from MicroVaccines to MV BioTherapeutics (from now on MV). “During the past years we have developed therapeutic live biotherapeutics…

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Nature communications ATP released

Nature communications. ATP released by intestinal bacteria limits…

Nature communications. January 16, 2019. T cell dependent secretory IgA (SIgA) generated in the Peyer’s patches (PPs) of the small intestine shapes a broadly diverse microbiota that is crucial for host physiology. The mutualistic co-evolution of host and microbes led to the relative tolerance of host’s immune system towards commensal microorganisms. The ATP-gated ionotropic P2X7…

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MV BioTherapeutics ApyraMed ApyraVax

MicroVaccines SA has been officially incorporated as a spin-off of the IRB

Bellinzona, October 26, 2018 – MicroVaccines SA (from now on “MV”) has been officially incorporated in Canton Ticino on October 26th, 2018 as a spin-off of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (from now on “IRB”) by Dr. Fabio Grassi, M.D., Ph.D. “This is an incredible achievement for a researcher and M.D., whose ambition is…

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